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Garden on the Hill

Sweet Pea 'Southbourne' NEW!

Sweet Pea 'Southbourne' NEW!

Regular price $8.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 NZD
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Lathyrus 'Southbourne'

sweet pea

15 Seed

Summer flowering sweet pea raised by Unwins in the UK.

This gorgeous sweet pea makes strong-growing plants with large pale pink flowers on long stems, making it a great cut flower variety.  4 flowers per stem. 

Sow: June - Sept for summer flowers

How: Sow either in pots or punnets outside, or where to flower outside, 1cm deep covered with a layer of seed mix or soil. Germination should take 10-14 days. 

Plant Where: Full sun

Spacing: Transplant to 15cm spacings.

Height: 1.5m – 2m

Growing Tips: No need to pinch. Protect from slugs, snails, mice & rabbits!

Keep picking for continued flowering.

Seed is best stored in the fridge or freezer

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