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Garden on the Hill

Sweet Pea 'North Shore' NEW!

Sweet Pea 'North Shore' NEW!

Regular price $8.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 NZD
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Lathyrus 'North Shore'

sweet pea

15 Seed

Summer flowering sweet pea bred by Dr Keith Hammett here in NZ.

This gorgeous bicoloured sweet pea that has large, frilly, fragrant flowers which consist of dark violet blue standard & pale blue wings.  A great contrast of colours, 4 flowers per stem.

Sow: June - Sept for summer flowers

How: Sow either in pots or punnets outside, or where to flower outside, 1cm deep covered with a layer of seed mix or soil. Germination should take 10-14 days. 

Plant Where: Full sun

Spacing: Transplant to 15cm spacings.

Height: 1.5m – 2m

Growing Tips: No need to pinch. Protect from slugs, snails, mice & rabbits!

Keep picking for continued flowering.

Seed is best stored in the fridge or freezer

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