Lathyrus latifolius 'Pink Pearl'
Lathyrus latifolius 'Pink Pearl'
Lathyrus latifolius 'Pink Pearl'
Perennial sweet pea
15 Seeds
Summer flowering perennial sweet pea. Flowers are produced throughout late spring and summer. They are small and white flushed pink and can be very floriferous once established.
Sow: Spring, summer, or autumn.
How: Sow either in pots or punnets outside, or where to flower outside, 1cm deep covered with a fine layer of mix or soil. Germination takes around 14 days.
Plant Where: Full sun
Spacing: Transplant to 30cm spacings.
Height: 1 - 1.5m
Growing Tips: Protect from slugs, snails, mice & rabbits! Unfortunately, this perennial pea is not scented. As this pea is perennial it will die down for winter and start its growth again in spring.