Celosia Terracotta NEW!
Celosia Terracotta NEW!
Celosia 'Terracotta'
This celosia produces pointed, salmon-terracotta slightly fluffy looking flower heads on tall stems through summer. Flowers can be picked & used in bouquets fresh or dried to use later on.
Sow: Spring & summer
How: Sow in either seed trays & prick out, or sow where to flower outside, on the surface of the mix covered with only a very fine layer of soil or vermiculite, just enough to keep them moist while they germinate. Germination takes around 14 days.
Plant Where: Full sun
Spacing: Transplant to 15cm – 20cm spacings.
Height: 1m x 0.2m wide
Growing Tips: Will self-sow to a degree if left in.
Pick for use as a fresh flower once the flowers are nearly completely open or they will partially collapse in the vase.