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Garden on the Hill

Baptisia australis

Baptisia australis

Regular price $4.00 NZD
Regular price Sale price $4.00 NZD
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Baptisia australis

false indigo

20 seeds

This perennial can be sown in spring or autumn. Plants sown in autumn may produce a small number of flowers in their first summer. It produces spikes of dark blue, pea-like flowers. Flowers are great in the garden or picked. Leaves are grey green & can be used for foliage in bouquets, 

Sow: Spring & autumn.

How: Prior to sowing, soak the seed for a few hours or overnight in water. This helps aide germination, as does fresh seed. Our seed is collected fresh seasonally.

Sow into seed trays or pots 5mm deep covered with a layer of mix or soil. Prick out once they have 2 sets of leaves.  Germination takes around 21 days & can be erratic.

Plant Where: Full sun to part shade.

Spacing: Transplant to around 50cm spacings.

Height: 1m x 0.7m wide

Growing Tips: Protect from slugs when small or just re-emerging through the soil in spring.

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